Order a taxi by phone +371 68000006
Order a taxi by phone +371 68000006

Call a taxi quickly and easily – by toll-free number +371 68000006 at any time of the day. The car will arrive in 10-15 minutes. After the driver accepts the order, you will receive a text message with the car number and arrival time. When the driver arrives, you will receive another text message that the driver is waiting for you.
It is also possible to order a taxi for a specific time and day. Such orders should be made at least one hour in advance.
GINX -taxi order service in Latvia.
GINX – taxi order service in Latvia.

GINX – is one of the first companies to start connecting cars to the Yandex.Taxi service in Riga and on August 1, 2019 when continuing its operation, our company opened Yandex.Taxi service in Daugavpils as well. Our main activity is connecting and providing constant assistance to companies willing to work with the Yandex.Taxi service. Working on the quality of services provided by our company, we strive to provide the best service to our partners. Thanks to many years of experience in the taxi industry and the responsiveness of our team, you can always contact us with any question.
We are the ones our partners trust.

Our partners
Our partners
Contact us
Riga, Raunas street 16b
Office Working hours
Mon – Fri – 09:00 – 17:00
Sat, Sun – days off
Technical Support
+371 29000005
+371 29000050